On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 09:15:19PM +0100, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 09:13 +0100, cl@isbd.net wrote:
I must say that I've never had a lot of success with KVM switches from the mouse point of view.
With the exception of some very expensive enterprise grade rack switches I would say that I haven't had a lot of success with KVM switches period.
Well my Belkin one is 100% reliable switching keyboard and screen and the video is satisfactory for my 1600x1200 resolution so I rate it as pretty good.
For any other purpose (other than 3D) there are now plenty of remote desktop choices for almost every platform.
This is what I use most of the time, I run Cygwin/X on my Win2k machine to display my Linux desktop.
Just to expand a bit more as to why I use both:-
The (Slackware) Linux box stays on all the time as a file server and mail server for the family's desktop machines. It's also visible from the outside world as a web server and for ssh connections so I can get into it from work for example.
The Win2k machine is my 'personal' machine at home and I turn that on when I use it. Much of the time I actually use the Cygwin/X Linux desktop (running FVWM2, I'm old fashioned!). I use a certain amount of Windows software (MS Access accounts, Epson scanner software, one or two others) so need the Win2k machine. Using Cygwin/X mens I can cut and pasate between Linux and Windows which is very useful at times.
The only times that I switch the monitor and keyboard to the Linux box directly is when I want to quickly check something (e.g. some mail) without having to wait for the Win2k system to boot. It is very useful to be able to do this sometimes though.
As a consequence of all this discussion (and the fact that my Win2k system is going a bit flakey) I've started another thread asking about Vmware.