On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 23:43 +0100, Brett Parker wrote:
Me too, Ubuntu is all well and good for a desktop system, but if you're going to start running evil non-free software, it's easier if you've got the (slightly) fuller archive that is available from The Real Thing (tm). Personally, I'm still running debian and have no need to switch to a desktop centered distribution, flexibility is more important to me.
A fair point I was considering giving Debian a go and probably will on some of that evil non free software I keep running (VMWare) :-)
There isn't much of the non-free archive I need really, after a struggle I managed to get some sort of functional Java Runtime Environment which I needed. I could do with flash for a couple of sites I visit (Flash in Konqueror on SuSE 64bit worked somehow). Skype I got around by using the static version.
The main 64bit issues I have are a non functioning mplayer (although I have xine working now) and borked OpenOffice. Also it seems that some of the packages for AMD64 have annoying configuration bugs (SSHd for example was configured to use priv separation but didn't create the ssh user upon installation and therefore refused to start) That didn't happen on the i386 Ubuntu machine at work. Also somehow the 32bit flash plugin for Mozilla appears on the 64bit archive, but if you install it Moz will die anytime you visit a site with flash content.