MJ Ray wrote:
Andrew Savory A.Savory@uea.ac.uk writes:
- Need a server to host it on (not one of our UEA boxen as there's a bit
of a crack-down going on at the moment about non-UEA accounts on them);
We have one, I believe: MartynD's "bleeding-edge" machine? Have you been asleep, Mr Savory?
Anyway, the website being at UEA only precludes non-UEA maintainers, which isn't the same but still not healthy.
- Need CVS and/or ssh access to it, as there will be statics as well as
slashdot-style stuff;
No, if we have zope, we don't need this, as it has internal versioning and web-based admin. It may be useful for a few people to have access, but "a shell for all" is not required, as we all have our own Linux boxes, don't we? ;-)
- Probably need to divide it into logical sections and get people to own
each section, eg news, links, meetings.
Yes, this is intentional.
- Should probably move mailing lists to it too (alug@stu makes less sense
than something@anglian.lug, no?)
I'm reluctant to have all the eggs in one basket (if we lose one machine or the other in a blazing fireball, we can reconstruct very quickly if there's already somewhere with alug access), but a forwarder probably makes sense.
Of course, I'm +1 for writing all content in XML and sticking Cocoon on the front-end :-)
Of course, you have a -1 weighting for the state of the current site. ;-) Personally, I'd rather use the mature system to get a kick-arse site right now than fight with an alpha framework to get something up soon. That's why I use Linux not Win2k... /me slaps self for use of FUD
-- MJR
I have a web-hosting company, remember? I have a dmz at the end of a 2 meg pipe (in basingstoke), and one of the machines is a development machine. I could provide back-up space if you like. Rights to shell accounts are negotiable, but I'd have to convince the "lads" that it's ok. We run only Linux (currently SuSE 6.4) and provide ssh, php, mySQL, apache proftpd etc.
Lemme know.
Cheers, Laurie.
PS. BJ, we're nearly ready for you!