The closest Linux native alternative that I use is Geany. It's a shame the Emerald Editor project appears to have never really gotten off the ground.
Would be interested to hear about anyone else's Linux options?
2009/11/11 Keith Watson
A colleague at work put me on to Notepad++ running under Wine as an alternative to GEdit.
I've used it a lot for my Ubuntu 9.04 boxes, however, like yourself, I'm in the middle of upgrading to 9.10 so haven't tried it with the latest release yet.
2009/11/11 Mark Rogers
Just a heads-up for anyone who might be interested: a native Linux version of UltraEdit has been released:
It's chargeable ($40 introductory, $70 full price) and I've not tried it yet (I'm half-way through an Ubuntu 9.04->9.10 upgrade, so now probably isn't the time to install it!) but I know there's been interest in a UE-like editor on Linux expressed here before (as much by me as anyone).
I know the majority won't be interested on price/freedom grounds. Personally I've not found anything as good on Linux as FOSS (primarily stuff like column editing). (Since the software is commercial I should point out that I am not affiliated with UE in any way.)
-- Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0844 251 1450 Registered in England (0456 0902) @ 13 Clarke Rd, Milton Keynes, MK1 1LG Unsubscribe? See message headers or the web site above!