Posted to the list, incase anyone wants X4.1.0 on Debian (or searches the archives for it later on)
I have the som 'unofficial' .deb packages to install X4.0.1 on Deb Potato (hopefully Debian 2.2r3 is Potato).
Add in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
# - X4 from cpbotha deb xf410_potato/i386/ deb xf410_potato/all/
Unfortunately, we skipped configuring wvdial when installing Debian. Oh, yup.
I won't be doing this tonight, as I'm off to a gig. I'm sure the next barrage of Debian questions will come as soon as I have time AND get bored of Tux Racer AND Rune. ;)
Heh heh... Ricardo