I have a little Solwise 3G router on my boat. I have just discovered it runs Linux and I can telnet into it. Even better it runs dnsmasq so, if I can configure it appropriately then I can get it to provide local DNS.
However I can't work out where it configures itself from at boot time. If I edit /etc/hosts for example then, if I reboot, my changes are lost.
There's an /etc_ro directory but nothing really much in there gives a clue. There's even an /etc_ro/rcS file which is obviously executed fairly early on in the boot sequence but it's not early enough to indicate where the basic configuration lives.
The motd file says:-
------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to HAME Technology Co.,Ltd =System Architecture Department= ------------------------------------------------------
... oh, it as busybox for most of the commands.
Does anyone have any idea how it starts up and configures itself?