Andrew Savory writes:
- Need a server to host it on (not one of our UEA boxen as there's a bit
of a crack-down going on at the moment about non-UEA accounts on them);
We have one, I believe: MartynD's "bleeding-edge" machine? Have you been asleep, Mr Savory?
Anyway, the website being at UEA only precludes non-UEA maintainers, which isn't the same but still not healthy.
- Need CVS and/or ssh access to it, as there will be statics as well as
slashdot-style stuff;
No, if we have zope, we don't need this, as it has internal versioning and web-based admin. It may be useful for a few people to have access, but "a shell for all" is not required, as we all have our own Linux boxes, don't we? ;-)
- Probably need to divide it into logical sections and get people to own
each section, eg news, links, meetings.
Yes, this is intentional.
- Should probably move mailing lists to it too (alug@stu makes less sense
than something@anglian.lug, no?)
I'm reluctant to have all the eggs in one basket (if we lose one machine or the other in a blazing fireball, we can reconstruct very quickly if there's already somewhere with alug access), but a forwarder probably makes sense.
Of course, I'm +1 for writing all content in XML and sticking Cocoon on the front-end :-)
Of course, you have a -1 weighting for the state of the current site. ;-) Personally, I'd rather use the mature system to get a kick-arse site right now than fight with an alpha framework to get something up soon. That's why I use Linux not Win2k... /me slaps self for use of FUD