J wrote: [...]
Replying below is anoying because it means you have to scroll through a previous email that you have allready read, especially where there (may) be multiple of those. [...]
Whole-quoting *and* top-posting are *both* irritating habits. Please take the time to cut the email which provokes your reply down to what is needed and nothing more. http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html#quoting
Of course, we should be careful to acknowledge any substantial points which have not been challenged. In that spirit, I mention that I had never heard J's other meaning of "top posting" and I don't want more moderation of main either. I just ask for documented technical limits like the attachment block and the size limit that reduce large waste and digest disruption.
I remind people that whole-quoting may even be a breach of copyright in some cases (albeit minor), while quoting a small amount for commentary or criticism is fair dealing.