on Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 08:07:03AM -0700, David Freeman scribbled:
secondly, it has now been recommended by my bro' as a neat simple solution to manipualting info in a web page. Thirdly, i don't speak c and can't write shell scripts, and were I to learn i'd probably have an even worse job trying to compile the c compiler! Out of the frying pan into the fire.
I still think taking a copy of K&R and reading it cover to cover would be a good move. Most languages are very similiar, they all have sequence selection and interation, and C is quite easy to learn. What would people consider as an alternative to PHP?
perl. c is quite "bad" for cgi things, since you spend half your time messing about allocating space for various strings, arrays and misc data. higher level languages tend to be more suited. to get perl working with apache, you only need execcgi and #!/usr/bin/perl afaik. although you can speed up with mod_perl. additionally, perl syntax is a mix of sh/c/awk/sed/etc. php database stuff tends to be easily replaced with perl's DBI.