On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:52:08 +0100 MJ Ray mjr@phonecoop.coop allegedly wrote:
Jenny asked:
Thanks! What is the relevance of the -are they ports?- numbers in square brackets, like :PREROUTING ACCEPT [573:36591]?
Damn I was hoping that you wouldn't ask that! ;-)
I think they might be counters (so not essential), but the man pages for iptables-save and iptables-restore aren't exactly clear and I've never dug further. Try deleting them and see if it still works? I can't because I'm not masquerading at the moment. I'm doing something far worse which I'm not going to document until it doesn't matter as much to me if the ISPs block it!
They are counters (bytes and packets). Try repeatedly running iptables-save and watch them go up. You can set them to zero "[0:0]" on each of the hook points before running iptables-restore.
On that note, I should write up my tribulations with openvpn on Android some time. Any ALUGger got it working nicely?
Nope. Not tried. But a guy called Mike Cardwell https://grepular.com/Punching_through_The_Great_Firewall_of_TMobile) seems to use it successfully. Last time I looked, openvpn seemed to require a rooted device. However, I've just run a search and it would seem that is no longer the case so I might take another look.
Mick --------------------------------------------------------------------- blog: baldric.net fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B 72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312
Note that I have recently upgraded my GPG key see: http://baldric.net/2012/07/20/gpg-key-upgrade/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------