MJ Ray wrote:
Also on man apt-listchanges:
--email-address=address In addition to displaying it, mail a copy of the changelog data to the specified address. To only mail changelog entries, use this option with the special frontend 'mail'.
OK, you got me: I didn't keep reading :-)
There is another updates to email package I looked at previously, so I jumped to conclusions...
There was no configuration on installation. [...]
I speculated that was due to running with a too-high debconf priority option (which would be fine if it's going to be automated most of the time) and dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges may reveal the mail option.
I (wrongly, it turns out) assumed that the debconf priority would be set lower than it was.
dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges does indeed give me some options.
Hope that helps,
It does, sorry for being thick/lazy first time around.