MJ Ray wrote:
Adam Bower abower@zeus.com writes:
how did the meeting go? what was the attendance like? and are there any photos available?
Good; 20+; don't think so. ;-) ["And this is a shot of us all in the dark after the power failed for the second time..."]
Thats good news about the amount of people as it sounds like the busiest meet yet (with the exception of the 1st maybe?). Thats a pity about pictures though. Do we have any idea when the next meet is going to be though?
Also I don't know if your the person to harass Mark (but you are a good as candidate as anyone else) but how about the Irc meeting details going on the website (including irc server port channel etc.) and if you don't do it I will when I get back to work a cron reminder?
PS Yuck power cuts don't even mention that near me (and no I can't tell you why as I would get in lots of trouble) its a sore point.