That sounds a bit hot to me, I don't like to let mine get past 50degC. Most semiconductors are (or used to be) rated to 70degC operating environment but the guts of the CPU will be hotter than the surface. I've had processors fail to operate beyond 52degC before and if it should lock up during a write to your disk then you will be in a pickle potentially.
It'll depend on the CPU as to the heat tolerance but try and get it cooler than 56C! Get a fan rated for the next faster model of CPU or something. £7 for a fan vs rebuilding an HD is a bargain in my books :o)
Chris Green wrote:
My computer happily tells me how hot all the bits are and allows me to set alarms etc. but doesn't give me a clue as to what is 'too hot'.
So, what sort of temeperatures are reasonable to see for 'CPU' and 'System'?
Currently the CPU is 56 degrees celsius.