same thing happened to me with Ubuntu and Enlightenment. I remembered playing with it years ago when I was first messing with Linux. After reading a Linux Format article on it I thought I'd install it and have a quick play.
Ah, enlightenment itself - recently that's started to work a little better, although it still has its issues. Looking very pretty though.
It's not easy to get rid of, the best bit was that after installation it dumped me at a rather ugly looking desktop with no obvious way of launching anything other than configuration windows to configure the desktop.
Configuration and stuff can lead to "interesting times" even now with Enlightenment.
I am sure I was missing some vital step in the configuration (like the step that actually makes it do anything) but overall it was not a fun experience.
Back on topic, what is the SuSE Gnome installation like ? is it a half hearted affair or as polished as KDE on SuSE.
Well, it seems as polished as KDE. It's a whole world away from Gnome on previous SuSEs, from what I've seen of them.
Personally, I don't enjoy Gnome at all (HCI/Uid car-crash), so there may be glaringly brainless problems with the config that I wouldn't have spotted, but I did work in it for a day, and used yast for some stuff and found it no more cripplingly restrictive than any other Gnome desktop. Integration seems to have improved, but then it would, since Novell are pretty Gnomic of late :)