I'm currently preparing my web server with the Zope module, and it'll all be ready to work under the http://www.anglian.lug.org.uk or even under http://www.alug.org.uk (for those too lazy to use original URL ;).
I'm arranging for a redirect for http://www.anglian.lug.org.uk to temporarily point to the FreeZope hosting site, and then when everything has been uploaded to my server, I will update DNS as necessary.
On Tuesday, October 24, 2000, 10:48:49 AM, you wrote:
Pick a date, any date... it's only John that'll get obstructed, as I've done nothing on the UEA date yet. If you two can pick two of the next three months, I'll get the other at UEA (Christmas permitting). As people seem to want talks to kick meetings off, what shall we have talks on?
Finally, we now have a more up-to-date website, but it's sadly missing much of what ought to be there and some design work would probably not go amiss. The initial call for editors is on the site, but I could also do with setting some topics and having little graphics for them. Hackneyed, of course, but would help to break the page up a bit.
Once we're sorted out for the next few meetings, I'll post the dates (and topics) to the site and ngs. Feel free to send them on to any interested parties.
alug, the Anglian Linux User Group list Email: alug@stu.uea.ac.uk http://rabbit.stu.uea.ac.uk/cgi-bin/listinfo/alug See the website for instructions on digest or unsub!