On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 08:25:36PM +0000, Barry Samuels wrote:
I tried Ubuntu recently well, just part of the install really as it never completed. It was the latest version and having got as far as installing the base system packages it then failed on installing the kernel packages with some dependencies problems and wouldn't go any further. I tried twice with the same result :-(
I'm still none the wiser about Ubuntu.
Are you certain you have a working set of CD-Roms? (i.e. non-faulty?) or that you didn't download a beta version of the next release? I have certainly installed it on 4 machines here (2 of them weird and wonderful laptops) There are certainly many many people running it out there, so it would seem unlikely that it was a problem with the distro unless you have some weird and wonderful hardware (tell us more about it so we can help?) or double check that media that you are trying to install from.
Oh, and FWIW Ubuntu is like Debian with bells on, much improved hardware support and gnome 2.8 and other shiny bits, and they have made a stable release that will have security updates for the next 18 months but they should be releasing a new stableversion every 6 months. So far I really like Ubuntu (as opposed to running Debian testing/unstable which can be a bit painful sometimes) It is certainly worth installing and running now.