On 29 April 2015 at 12:25, Chris Walker alug_cdw@the-walker-household.co.uk wrote:
I googled "RTC in local TZ" and one link suggested I change timedatectl to 'timedatectl set-local-rtc 1'
I think my preference would be to fix this at the Windows end, not the Linux end.
This looks useful: http://superuser.com/questions/185773/does-windows-7-support-utc-as-bios-tim... .. but I haven't tried it
Having RTC in UTC makes far more sense. Even if both systems understand that it is in local time, you still have the issue that both O/S will likely try to correct the time at BST boundaries, so the clock will go back one hour for each O/S on the system in autumn, and forward one per O/S in spring.
(This is a classic example of Windows assuming it is the only O/S on the system, and it doesn't even play well with multiple Windows versions on the same box.)