I'm trying out RedHat 7.2 and stumbled upon 2 problems relating to ppp, specifically kppp.
1) although I can connect using kppp from KDE, there appears to be no data transfer when I attempt to look at a website. (I suspect that I have to manually add my DNS servers' IP addresses, perhaps I accidentally put in my own IP address as the primary DNS server or something during installation-duh)
2) OK, if I do run kppp as someone other than root, it asks for root's password. How could I set it up so that I don't need to run a connection as root? It doesn't do it in Mandrake.
I am actually gonna write a little report comparing my experiences with Mandrake and Redhat once I've given RH enough chance- all from the POV of a newbie and "Harry Home-User". (I'll post the URL when it is done). Initial thoughts on RH7.2: bloody hell, that's a bit slick!!! ;)
Ricardo _______________________________________________ "There are several codes, and I know several of them." -Mr. Precise. http://www.rscampos.net Check my online diary out: http://www.rscampos.net/blog.html