On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 15:37 +0000, Paul, Jean R wrote:
In addition while i am working with linux, the computer frozes at any time, or just reboots. i would appreciate any help from people who have had the same experience with their PC.
The first place to start is with the Memory...Bad ram can cause the problems you mention and be very very intermittent...I have seen RAM pass tests reliably until it is a certain temperature, ram fail until it is removed and reinserted into it's socket and ram fail until the BIOS settings are changed.
Grab a memtest iso and make yourself a memtest CD....Some distributions include this on the installation media and offer it as a boot option.
Run it overnight (or for at least 6-10 full passes) to be sure.
Also if your bios supports PC health status (a lot of modern ones do) then check the CPU temp is within normal operating limits (what these are will depend on your CPU)
I've had faulty PSU's cause a similar problem, so if you have access to a spare one then try it....I also had this repeatedly with a particular Epox mainboard (8RGA I think).
Unfortunately without the right test equipment fault finding these problems can come down to replacing components until the problem goes away...