On 08-Sep-03 Ted Harding wrote:
[...] For X11, your X configuration should set this up, but in any case you can look into it by looking at the file XF86Config (probably to be found as /etc/XF86Config but could be elsewhere, or indeed apparently in several places but really only in one, the rest being symbolic links -- check this).
Fairly early in the XF86Config file is a 'Section "Keyboard"' which offers various ways (read the comments) to set up your keyboard; you will probably want to have a line
XkbLayout "uk"
as well possibly as some of the other options.
Sorry, may be misleading; written without looking -- just for reference (your setup may need to be slightly different; it can vary with different versions of X) I have the following section in /etc/XF86Config:
Section "InputDevice" Driver "Keyboard" Identifier "Keyboard[0]" Option "Protocol" "Standard" Option "XkbLayout" "gb" Option "XkbModel" "pc104" Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" EndSection
HTH Ted.
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