On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 01:02:36AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
It's actually pretty hard to avoid that disaster zone dialogue: Firefox-based browsers and Gimp being the two hardest things to replace that I can think of. At least browsers don't open file dialogues too often, especially if you can configure your file manager to -remote it and you tell it to always save to a downloads dir.
Or am I missing some tricks to build Iceweasel and Gimp against another toolkit?
For firefox (so I presume Iceweasel too) go to "about:config" configure "ui.allow_platform_file_picker" to be false. Now your file dialogues should not be the dialogue that everyone complains about, it should revert to the XUL dialogue now everyone who keep whining about this "bug" can get on with life, it should be possible to configure your firefox with similar methods to use other file selectors dialogues such as those in KDE. It took me 3 minutes with an internet search engine to find the answer test it and write this mail. As for gimp i'd think it unlikely that you can not build against gtk ;)
I'm getting bored of people asking questions or complaining about software "problems" when the "problem" isn't the software at all, just that it is their inability to use the internet to research problems and get the answer themselves. That was the basis of my original rant.
Thanks Adam