On 07-Nov-03 Edenyard wrote:
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 06:25:08 +0000, Graham Trott wrote:
Do you have a getty process running on ttys0? If so, it's defined in /etc/inittab. My distribution (SuSE8.x) has the following line: #S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 9600 ttys0 vt102 which as you see is commented out. The port is free for whatever use is required of it.
I have the line, but it's already commented out. But Linux still knows about /dev/ttyS0 and I'd really like it not to.
locate rc.serial
to find that file (classically it is /etc/rc.serial, but it might be somewhere else). Read it through: it may suggest what you can do.
Also do /sbin/lsmod or
cat /proc/modules
and if you find modules like "sb" and "sb_lib" then your serial control is module-driven. You can rmmod these (but then you would probably kill off all serial port access).
Anyway, as Adam says, it would help to know why you want Linux not to know about /dev/ttys0 -- has it got a dark secret? Crossed the floor of the House to Windows, has it?
Best wishes, Ted.