Is anyone able to let me know whether that means it won't ever play ball or if I need to do something else? (Beginning to wonder personally.) Ta.
On 4 March 2011 16:54, Bev Nicolson wrote:
Well I tried that but on the last ( lsusb -t ) it just said there was no such file or directory. It does show an icon when I plug it in, but while all the other folders are there, the ones for texts are not. If I try using Phone Manager it doesn't recognise that it's plugged in.
But: since apparently you do get a connection using the USB cable, have a look at the output from
lsusb -v
and perhaps, for experimental/investigatory purposes, set up a dedicated directory and, when in that directory, do:
lsusb -t
which, according to 'man lsusb':
Tells lsusb to dump the physical USB device hierarchy as a tree.
This may give you enough information to go further with.