Under the MSA agreement you choose the components you wish to licence when you sign a master agreement this master agreement stays in place and then you order upgrades/renewals every 12 or 36 months.
Most Schools in Norfolk use Phoenix from Pearsons as their Schools database. Some are using SIMS thne there are other apps like Nova-T and cash accounts for the timetabling and accounting sides respectively as well as all the other software we use so yes all this has to be licensed as well.
Under the MSA all machines of pentium class and above have to be licensed you have no choice to stay on the right side of Microsoft and it is this point under which they are currently being investiagted by the OFT about.
Every PC has to have a windows licence and on top of that you then have to buy an MSA licence giving you upgrade rights on the OS and any other apps you choose from the list.