David Freeman david_freeman@rocketmail.com writes:
2)And how much does it cost to employ a MSCE certified tech to run the NT servers which need more care than a *nix box?
Amen. Sadly it seems to mean the nux admins are losing permanent jobs again, though. Maybe that's just what I'm seeing, or maybe we're about to have a resurgence where they *stop* employing busloads of NT/2k admins to patch that service together and employ nux admins to roll out a stable service.
4)Lack of availble software, on this one they are right, there is limited stuff for an epos system to use. But for office/desktop and server applications there are loads of pkgs avaible for free!
I thought EPoS had a few options (some commercial) on Linux now, including those used by some large chains. The details elude me, as it's not something I have much of an interest in just now, so I don't pay much attention to it.
8)Increased labour costs? now this one could be fair, but I don't see it as much of a problem, but spending money on lots of licenses for each user will cost more!
Wait until they get sued for the mental anguish of 2k/NT admins ;-)
9)LIMITED DEVELOPER TOOLS! what bollocks, I have on my machine some of the best tools on the planet with much nicer Ui and better EOU, GCC with Vi and GDB is everything I need and more with out spending a penny. Atleast I don't need to spend out on a new compiler every so often!
I've been doing some UI work again (cue flame from Brett) and I'm quite happy with the results so far, if I do say so myself. Anyone else out there tried ROX, http://rox.sourceforge.net/, yet? At last someone's taking the good ideas from RISCOS.
As for the subject, Microsoft are right on a couple of small points, but it all comes down to how you massage the facts. Anything is provable given enough imagination.
Nothing is provable except logic. Everything else just gathers empirical evidence until it is disproved.