On 07-Jul-10 18:34:52, MJ Ray wrote:
ALUG members may like to see the Norwich City Council Open Source Motion which is being discussed at http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.org.fsf.uk/5909
For further national news, see http://floss.pro/fsfeuk
Does anyone think other Anglian councils might follow suit, maybe even note the strategic benefits, call it Free and Open Source Software and consider exit costs too?
MJ Ray (slef) Webmaster and developer for hire at | software www.software.coop http://mjr.towers.org.uk | .... co IMO only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html | .... op
Congratulations to Norwich! Living as I do a couple of hundred yards on the other side of the Little Ouse, I wonder how our local Wise Men in Cambridgeshire would react to such a proposal. As an example of their elevation and insight, I commend to you an article in the Cambridge Evening News (March 20 2010):
Enjoy the Mayor of Ely's summary of the best reasons to visit Ely (excerpt from C.E.N. article):
Mayor's anger as survey says no-one wants to visit Ely
THE mayor of Ely has demanded an apology from Travelodge after its survey found the city to be among the least attractive cities for visitors. [...] Ely came eighth behind cities like Bradford, Wakefield, Dundee and Sunderland in the list of top 10 least desirable places to visit.
Cllr Hobbs told the News: "I am very annoyed with this poll. You can't compare Ely to places like Bradford. Ely is a beautiful place. We have the cathedral and a stunning river and every year we win awards for our loos.
A more intelligent analysis appears in "Straight Statistics":
http://www.straightstatistics.org/article/ they%E2%80%99re-out-sorts-sunderland
which follows up an analysis of my own which someone forwarded to them (and available by private communication on request).
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