Sorry, am having probelms at the moment re my computer turns into german when i use linux via vmware zet everzthing else is ok. So I apologise for and y and z that i mix up throught this email.
penguins and distribute them to meeting organisers? What happened to the tsw one? J?
Sorry, I went insane in october last zear and havnt recovered zet. Mz organisational skills are equal to that of a marsupial and I shouldnt be trusted with anzthing more dangerous then a stick of celery.
I can make no prommises to arange furutre meetings )unlles someone nearby wishes to re-organise mz life bz the use of extreme electroshock therapz.
AS for mz attendance at nowrich meets )and indeed anz others( zou will be forced to make do without mz annoying prescnes and whatever questions I have dreamed up to ask about this time around untill after the 18th of this month. thuis is due to povety.
Perhaps I should stop having expensive things like vmware and more things like social life.