On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 11:53:24 +0000 Phil Thane phil@pthane.co.uk allegedly wrote:
Two things make this a nuisance. First, we imported data from the previous system into PMP and had to choose a field to be the key ID. PMP would prefer this to be an email address but many members joined long before they had email and have never updated their details to include it. The one field they all did have was a membership number, so for all previous members Username = Membership number. Secondly GOBA is full of people who don't like change, they want us to convert new members with their personalised username into the 'traditional' system.
Oh good grief. Surely members now have email addresses. Those without must be in the minority now. How the hell do they function in today's world without an email address?
Maintaining the status quo looks ridiculously, and unnecessarily, complicated. If you are the membership secretary you must be in a position to "encourage" change to something much more sensible. The obvious membership ID would be an email address. Push for that.
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