(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding@manchester.ac.uk wrote:
On 15-Dec-07 22:00:31, MJ Ray wrote:
Barry Samuels bjsamuels@beenthere-donethat.org.uk wrote:
Is there any software that would enable me, easily, to print a single pdf page over multiple A4 sheets?
I pdf2ps it and then use psnup -2 from the psutils package. For some reason, using pdf2ps and psnup in a pipe doesn't work - I have to use the (sometimes large) intermediate ps file.
Isn't that the opposite way round from what he wants (namely, enlarge a single PDF/PS page to twice the size, or rather sqrt(2), and print each half on two separate sheets)?
Yep, sorry. I've done the opposite too, using pstops (also from psutils) to expand one PDF poster over 4 A4 sheets with a bit of overlap (other tricks I tried didn't allow overlap and my laser won't print to the very edge), then stuck them onto A2 board.
Hope that helps,