Thanks, Mark -- interesting that you;ve had the same experience. The only issue (see end of you first para) is that he can read from it, but not write to it.
On 05-Jul-07 08:37:59, Mark Reid wrote:
Dear Ted
This is an interesting one. As you correctly point out, Linux has not recognised hdb when it was installed for whatever reason that may have been. I must say that I had exactly the same problem when I first used Ubuntu a year ago. He can access it through Nautilus which suggests that even though it is not registered on startup, it's recognised as being there much in the way that removable drive l would be when it's plugged in. That's why he can mount it using the mount command in Nautilus and then read and write to it.
What should solve the problem is if he adds the hdb to the fstab after he has backed the old one up, which is what I did and what I think is what you suggested and he hasn't done yet.
The issue there being the UID identification, rather then the traditional "/dev/hdb*". Wayne made a suggestion for finding out what the UID code ought to be.
Any further comments from anyone would be most welcome!
An easier way for a beginner to do this is to open a root terminal through the menu, clicking on Accessories (or System Tools ) > Root Terminal and entering the command gedit which will get him to the gui based editor as root user. I've only recently upgraded to Edgy myself and what's new in the way Ubuntu now does fstab entries is putting in a UUID value which it didn't in pervious distros. In entering values for hdb manually, I'm not sure whether absence of a UUID would make any difference to the operation of fstab.
(Ted Harding) wrote:
Hi Folks, There's a thread on the Zen Support Forum, Linux Division, with title "Setting screen res in Ubuntu 7.04". The start of the thread is at
The topic has somewhat moved on from that, and the OP (Ken Odlum)'s problem is now that, using Ubuntu, while he apparently has two hard disks, one of which he can use normally, he can only read from the other and not write to it. This problem is first mentioned at 30
and followed up at 51
I ("eelman") intervened acouple of posts later, with suggestions 'cat /etc/fstab' etc. It seems he's dome this, and now 19
he says "If I go to Places Computer it shows the other hard drive and I can mount it and read or copy from it OK" despite the fact that it's not in /etc/fstab.
The only thing I can think of is that when he does that, whetever Ubuntu does behind the scenes amounts to an explicit
mount -t ... /dev/hdb* /...
command. But, not having any Ubuntu eperience, I simply don't know.
If anyone can make a useful suggestio I could pass on, or better still is on the Zen Support Forum and can intervene directly, this would be welcome. The guy is a relatively recent convert to Linux, and I wouldn't like his faith to be compromised!
Best wishes to all, Ted.
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