On 05/12/13 15:50, Steve Engledow wrote:
I posted from my Galaxy Tab, which has a brain dead mail client (hence the .sig which Steve finds amusing/lame) partly ironically. However, I received back the wonderfully apt message:
Try the K9 Mail client. It's less brain dead than others! I found it when I was concerned about html mail beacons auto-displaying, and thus confirming that that email address is genuine. Unfortunately, I can't find the website that pointed this out. I checked the default Android client and it auto-opened images and that couldn't be disabled. I hunted around and found K9 which can disable auto-displaying images. K9 is also quite configurable. Perhaps you should give it a go!
"Your mail to 'main' with the subject
Re: [ALUG] Fwd: Re: ALUG Posting Etiquette - was Cross-platform
text file processing tools
Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
The reason it is being held:
Message has a suspicious header"
Is it maybe the signature attachment? Seems unlikely that would hold things up but others will know the exact filtering rules.
HTML again? I doubt it's the sig attachment - they usually get through OK. Steve