The message from Adam Bower contains these words:
You won't have to use the commandline unless you don't want to.
Heh! Now *THAT'S* a Pratchettline if ever I saw one!
Knoppix is a good way to start, too.
Have a browse over
GIMP is not in anyway equal to PS as any PS user will confirm, in fact there is no other program equal to PS! I already use OOo v 1.3 (in Win) in preference to MS Office. I like it and looking forward to using v 2.0. I need to know what program to choose as a starter, how to partition my C drive to install Linux into &c.
Heh, I would counter that PS is crap compared to Gimp, I use Gimp in preference to PS and have done for over 5 years. Horses for courses anyhow as you said most PS users will confirm that Gimp isn't an equal to photoshop most Gimp users will confirm that PS isn't an equal to Gimp.
Well - I tend to use one graphics program for (say) cloning, another for paintbrushing, and another for line work and Irfanview for viewing and resizing, so I have about five or six pogroms in my Wintray and Godknowshowmany lurking in Linux - mainly still on CD, I have to admit.
/snip of partitioning bit/
Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Apparently your anti-virus software needs updating ;)
With decent mail/newshandling programs and some care when connected to the WWW this isn't really an issue. I've been on the 'net now for more than nine years, with no firewall and no AV program, running my net software under Windows, and have never been infected with any sort of malware. (Yes, I've checked with all sorts of programs)
<touches wood>
Thobut if/when I get round to affording ADSL I shall pass everything through Smoothwall...
Welcome to the list, anyway.