Ted Harding Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk wrote: <snippage class="random" />
Clearly Bret is battle-hardened, but I suspect many people may
^ OK - is it really impossible for people to spell my name correctly! *sulks in the corner*.
conclude that installing Debian should not be done for the first time.
It's no harder than installing ubuntu, the major difference being that debian may not detect all your shiny evil new hardware because there aren't OSS drivers for them... the kernel for the installer is Free, and therefore you don't get all the 'lovely' hardware detection... I really don't see how people can say "the ubuntu installer is lovely" WHEN THEY'VE JUST USED DEBIAN-INSTALLER. *sigh* I give up, I really do.
Thanks, - -- Brett Parker web: http://www.sommitrealweird.co.uk/ email: iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk