Since getting my Mp3 player downstairs (which relies heavily on the ID3 tags for it's indexing) it has become apparent that some of the Meta info on files in my collection heeds a serious overhaul.
However whole sections of my collection seem to have ID3 tags that I am unable to edit for some reason.
A right click in Konqueror to access the Meta Info tab allows me to view the existing tag fields and type in new contents, but silently fails to write the results back. Using Amarok to edit the tags causes the following error "TagLib claims this file is not writable"
I have checked and double checked the permissions and can in fact from Amarok delete files happily (even one of the files I am having the problems with) So it's not a read only permissions thing. Is there a way I don't know about to write protect the ID3 tags ? and if so how do I unset it ?
The files in my collection have been ripped over a variety of platforms and using different encoders, the ones lacking meta info were probably ripped on Windows using some plug in for Winamp or something like that. It's only a couple of groups of files in my collection that have this problem (but that means about 1000 files) but the fact that they are in groups suggests that they were all ripped using the same (now forgotten) method.
Once I have fixed this all I need to to is recompile Amarok to enable Musicbrainz and I can get all my files nicely indexed.