On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Neill Newman wrote:
so you are responsible for getting NT installed at Zeus !!! aarrgghh traitor, burn him, throw him off the list ;)...
Not guilty gov, The Accounts package we purchased only runs on a M$ SQL server, and the system itself also requires a NT box to run on and a Citrix Metaframe server and the resplendent amount of other packages to add to the mix just to get a working NT enviroment.
I did protest that it would be crap, but I was forced (at gunpoint) to install everything and make it work. What I find interesting though is these NT servers hardly ever fall over, I think the quality of the admin goes a very long way with NT. I remember that most of the things I learnt in anticipation of the M$ exams I didn't need. To be honest a Monkey could pass the exams if you gave him a couple of days in a boot camp!