On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 10:19 +0100, Simon Ransome wrote:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Ordinarily (for security) you would create a separate directory that /isn't/ in the normal document tree, e.g. /var/cgi-bin[1]. Then, in Apache's config you specify
ScriptAlias /var/cgi-bin/ /cgi-bin/
- this makes everything in this directory automatically a script. You
then may *possibly* need to add some other handlers, e.g.
AddHandler cgi-script .php[34]
AddType application/x-httpd-php[34] .php[34]
Then, after a restart of Apache, you should be able to try http://localhost/cgi-bin/hello.php and it should work :-) [1] note that it would probably be better to create /var/www/docs for the document tree and /var/www/cgi-bin for scripts
Thanks to Simon, and indeed all the other ALUGers who have freely offered help and advice with this problem, I am happy to report I can now see "Hello World" when I tell Firefox to look at hello.php.
I have however run into another problem: If I type "apache2ctl restart" once my fileserver is up and running then everything works ok but I would prefer Apache to start itself automatically when the PC boots. What is the normal way to achieve this?
Cheers, Simon iD8DBQFGrv6o8tdcY+OcZZwRAt2CAKDSlBJDDpgZfVorRxgM8pczfRoX/wCdFq4K r3zbyT9HDtjU73ETsQnMlGY= =jXM+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Just a final quick query Simon...
I notice that Evolution says your email was PGP signed but that it had an "Invalid Signature". Is this a problem with you or me? How do I fix this?
Thanks again for your help.