On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 07:33 +0000, Mark Rogers wrote:
I'm not wanting to "see" TB through a web browser; I'm wanting a web interface to it that's not dissimilar from any other wbemail interface (likely quite a basic one, granted...)
Alternatively if I had a way to make TB expose an IMAP interface to its mail (ie act as IMAP server as well as IMAP client) I could achieve the same thing, either by connecting via IMAP or by installing any webmail that works with IMAP.
Sorry I haven't followed this thread all the way through so the question has probably already been asked, what is the advantage of doing this over say configuring fetchmail to drop your mail into IMAP folders and using any client(s) you like to collect the messages from those ?
I just googled for "Thunderbird maildir" and that's thrown up some interesting conversations (along the lines of "why doesn't TB support..."). What it has suggested is that Evolution natively handles Maildir? If so that might be an option. Anyone here able to tell me more about that?
Evolution does natively handle Maildir, although last time I tried it I found that the account creation wizard for maildir was a bit broken, and I was also getting instances of Evolution bugging out on me. This was many versions ago though so things may have improved. Although I would still have to say that having two clients accessing the same maildir sounds a bit fishy to me compared to doing it with IMAP. Was there a particular reason you wanted to do the mail collection bit from TB ?