On 14/05/16 16:18, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
On 14/05/16 09:55, Bev Nicolson wrote:
So lprm should work, shouldn't it? It has done before so when I'd asked my printer to get going on a document a few days ago and realised I'd built up a print queue, I tried it again. Not this time, so I got it printed out (eventually) several times and it wouldn't stop. Ideas? (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.)
I have Lubuntu and Xubuntu (i.e. straight Ubuntu), but I usually get a printer icon in the status bar.
I dream of having a printer icon!!
From that I can get to the printer that's printing. Alternatively, go to "Printers" somewhere in the menu system.
I'll have a hunt for that. I can never remember where it is.
There you should get a list of printers, or just one printer if you have just one. Clicking on it, or right clicking on it should give an option to show the print queue. Once in the print queue, you should have the option of deleting one or more print jobs.
Oftentimes, Linux printers are controlled by CUPS in the background (Common Unix Printing System). You can also control printer queues. Cups is controlled via a web browser. Open a browser and put in and see if you get anything.
And that.
Good luck.
Have to say, my HP has played reasonably well up to this point though I am usually a bit nervous when a printer update comes along.