I've never purchased from them before but I was in the market for something similar a while back and was looking at the P3 600MHz Dell Optiplex Small Form Factor Base units here -> http://www.speedie.co.uk/baseunits.htm
OK it's not mini-ITX but it's close. If you've got a spare monitor kicking about then you've got a full system for £60 (£72.50 with P&P) albeit second-user. If you haven't got a spare monitor then I have one which you can have for free - if you collect (Gorleston)
This unit should run any recent distro you throw at it and for new users you can't go wrong with Mandrake, SuSE or Fedora although I am sure many people will argue you could do better! My personal favourite at the moment is SuSE 9.1. This will be fine for the adults. The kids should not have too much trouble either, but you can always have a separate log-in for the kids and remove the K-Menu button from the taskbar and then splatter the taskbar and desktop with nice big icon links to their games and cbeebies website, etc - damage limitation exercise. Somewhere in the dark recessess of my mind I remember there being some sort of KDE add-on that replaced the taskbar with a dedicated program launcher - kids might find something like that easier?
On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 13:01, Steve Purkiss wrote:
Hello again,
My sis and a friend of hers are looking to buy PC & printer for use by "the kids" for XMAS. When I say kids, we're talking the 4+ age group.