OK, this is reacting yet again to accusations that we don't welcome things like OpenOffice.org, BSD, Hurd; and the comment I get repeatedly from a certain person I won't name that "Linux Users Group" sounds like a drug rehab project. In the past, I've suggested Anglian Linux Und Gnu, which bombed, and Anglian GNU/Linux User Group. What else? Anglian Local Users Group? Anglian Libre Unix Group? A complete acronym break and East Anglia Free and Open Source Software (EAFOSS)? Something else?
I don't mind what it is called, nor can I take all the petty politics seriously [1]. Been there, done that, in other groups. Had enough of it long ago.
Those who feel strongly, change it to whatever you want if you want. As MJR puts it "who does wins".
[1] Crystallised for me when I read my first interview with RMS a year or two ago in which he said he would not link to debian.org because it was not free enough software. Hmmm.