My neighbour is running Windows 98 and wants to have a play with Linux. I have set up Debian (Progeny version) on his machine but cannot get the modem to work.
He has an external US Robotics 5630 (56k) which works perfectly with windows. After running pppconfig to set up a connection and using pon to dial out I can see the ATZ sent with an OK response from the modem then I see the dial string and immediately the modem returns NO CARRIER. There is a very short burst of noise from the modem before the NO CARRIER message but it won't dial.
After this even the initialisation string has no effect until the power to the modem has been turned off and on again.
I have never had modem problems with Linux before and I'm stumped.
Going back into Windows (now wash your hands), after trying to dial out through Linux, the damn thing works perfectly.
Some advice would be heavily appreciated.
Barry Samuels