Hi folks,
PC World - a good place to shop as undoubtedly almost anyone who enters the portals knows more than the staff employed. My most famous encounter was at the specialist desk wherein I enquired after a hard drive caddy or drive case. "Nah, don't make 'em anymore, no call for them." I looked on the shelves and found a Belkin device that looked as if it would do the job (it does - still) and I took it back to the specialist counter and asked the same bloke if I could mount an IDE drive in it. He concurred that what was wrote on the box was correct. I asked that as they didn't do 'em anymore - no call for them - was there a special price? They must be aware of their reputation? I worked for Dixons for ten years. In my time even the junior had a full product knowledge and was actively encouraged to join clubs, go to college or adult learning centres to learn more and more about the subject.
It is embarrassing at times to overhear the sales patter! But go into any multi selling almost anything. You'll find Sales Managers, Sales Advisors, Key Account Executives (the person that knows how to write an invoice) Team Leaders but no team or any lowly sales persons. Most of these companies are driven by accountants who have know knowledge of the product. A famous photographic company I was once in frequent contact with had a policy of not employing anyone with photography as a hobby - 'we want them to sell boxes, we don't want them to like the product.' The reps main line was always 'how many outers do you want?' No trying to buy one item to replace the one you sold last week. Many more boxes - don't matter what's in 'em. These people also employ ad agencies at vast sums of money to produce these facile and incorrect ads. The ad agencies are briefed (obviously inadequately) by Sales Directors.
Ah Whale!
Bob Dove.