Brett Parker wrote:
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 07:24:54PM +0100, Ian bell wrote:
Now, there's an interesting angle, what in particular are you talking about security wise? If it's software, then, err, well, dude... I don't know if you'd noticed, but debian has a rather nice security repository for stable and now testing, there are also DSAs which also generally cover unstable - this is the same source as used in the *BSD distributions on a whole. So I can only assume that you've fell for the marketing that OpenBSD has for its *base* system, which claims to be secure - you know how the default install is so secure? (1) nothing is enabled and (2) nothing is damned well installed.
Er, no I am using NetBSD.
So, if it's purely the kernel you're talking about, then one of the debian BSD projects may be right up your alley... personally, I quite like having a kernel that can actually cope with my hardware.
Indeed; NetBSd for example has had a native Ralink RT 2500 chip set driver for a long time yet most Linux distros still struggle with ndiswrapper.