On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 02:00:05PM +0100, James Bensley wrote:
I hear you Adam however I am on many mailing lists and some do allow HTML/Rich text and attachments etc and so it does get rather confusing turn HTML off and on, and remembering which lists allow attachments and which don't so I apologise in advance for my guaranteed blunders to come!
It's not a big deal on here, I do allow *small* html mail with text parts through on a fairly regular basis but it's generally not a good idea as it makes work for the moderators and will slow your mail down as it will only get moderated when someone can be bothered (which may be days). Thankfully the alug policy has been pretty clear as "no html" for, erm, ever?
The mail this morning wasn't sent because of anyone in particular as the reminder has been needed for a while, although I was prompted to actually send it due to a rather large attachment that got held for moderation earlier today which did get rejected.
Thanks Adam