On 21/01/13 19:56, Anthony Anson wrote:
On 21/01/13 17:08, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
No idea why the crash, unless you've got a Firefox or Thunderbird plugin that's a bit badly written.
It only seems to occur when there are two programs running at the same time - F/fox and T/bird, T/bird and Libre Office.
Since sussing that, I've not had a freeze-up - except outside the front door.
Insufficient memory, faulty memory, or insufficient swap space?
Getting the emails back - you could backing up the Thunderbird folder (just in case), open thunderbird, Right click on the folder in the folders list on the LHS. Click on Properties. On the General Information tab there is a Repair Folder button. Try that.
After that press OK to close the dialog box. Then I suggest right clicking on the folder and clicking Compact.
That may work, or it may not, good luck!
Ah, there isn't a 'General Information' or, AFAICS, a 'repair' option
- however, one of the flagged actions is 'Place copy in folder of
email being replied to' - which is now unflagged. That would seem to be the promble.
I shall know in an instant...
Thanks for the pointer.
Er, what version of Tbird? An old one? Those options have been there a while, unless I supose the options are only available for Imap connections, which mine is.