On 2004-05-03 12:29:46 +0100 Syd Hancock syd@toufol.com wrote:
Apologies for the 'test' email but for some reason none of the messages that I've sent to the list this morning about the next meeting have appeared and it is a big problem.
It seems that I was wrong yesterday. Emails that were sent to the lists during the changed nameservers have been lost. This probably affects most of Friday and some of Saturday. Maybe it still affects some particularly badly configured ISPs. Any affected emails should have got an error, but if not, assume that I can't find where it went and you won't be far wrong.
Can anyone suggest anything here? What could cause some emails to completely disappear when other messages to the same address and from the same account do arrive?
Phase of the moon?
Seriously, first check that they really left your machine and get the message-IDs. Then ask your mailserver admins (for you are their customer) whether it got through their servers. Maybe ask mailman-owner at lists.alug.org.uk (Noodles?) if the message-IDs concerned ever arrived, but I assume not as they didn't get to the list. Then look at the email headers of a successful list post from you and try asking postmasters at the other common mailservers on their paths between you and the lists to see where your lost messages vanished. Not fun and not fast, but it's the only debugging method that seems obvious to me.