Hi I am running Xubuntu 10.04 - upgraded yesterday from 9.10. I have not had sound working in either versions. I have a ThinkPad 600 - which is notorious for sound problems. In Mixer it only listed Dummy as a device. I followed some instructions written for Ubuntu a while back specifically for the TP 600. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188736 Now I have partial success. In Mixer it shows CS4237B (Alsa Mixer), CS4237B (OSS Mixer) and Playback: CS4237B Analog Stereo as well as a couple of capture devices. Now when I play an MP3 using Exaile playback is very choppy to the point of you cannot hear the music. I followed the instructions carefully and double checked I had everything for the sound written properly. II could not find on my system in the boot folder the menu.lst to edit the acpi settings and I am wondering if this has anything to do with it. Also on boot it shows on the screen the following message 'cs423x pnpbios unable to assign' or something like that as it shows only briefly before loading the desktop. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I seemed to have gotten this far. It would appear to me that the drivers or modules are loading correctly but it is a hardware conflict that needs resolving. Please help.
Simon Royal
--- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SimonRoyal - LowEndMac: http://tinyurl.com/macspectrum - Skype: Simon-Royal.
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