On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 10:01:20AM +0100, Jan T. Kim wrote:
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 09:19:02AM +0100, Ed Stafford wrote:
There is a note in my phone which says there should be a kit meet at UEA on 23 October, as mooted at the last monthly Moot. If there are no better suggestions or major objections from the assembled masses, I'll book a room next week.
I haven't seen any follow-ups onlist, though I have seen a number of people express an interest on IRC. I suspect "if you book it they will come". :)
I think it would be worthwhile requesting a room with internet access. I know at least 4 people at UEA that would come (3 phd students and the head of the Maths school).
I could even ask the head of Maths to give our cause a bit of clout, he may be able to get us a room with web access for all.
Just a thought.
My apologies as I'm new to this whole thing. If this meeting for general attendance or UEA only? I've been looking for a LUG to in the Norwich area and you're the first I've seen any mention of a get together.
It's for general attendance; in fact our attendance of UEA students has been fairly low so if anyone can raise that it'd be good.
I would also like to know what a "kit meet" is. Having joined the UEA a couple of months ago and using Linux, I'm generally interested in meeting people with similar interests.
The monthly (every 2nd Thursday at the Reindeer in Norwich) meets are deemed "social" meets, because we just bring ourselves and sit around chatting and drinking (the Reindeer does real coffee as well, for those that don't drink. If you're lucky they even have biscuits.)
"Kit" meets allow people to bring along their machines, either to show off neat stuff they're working on or have built or to try and get the assembled masses to fix some problem they've been having. Sometimes people bring along working computer junk they're trying to get rid of as well.
The social meets are easy to have regularly, but kit meets take a bit more effort to sort out and need a higher degree of interest really.