wbh wrote:
Hiya, Hamish and me had fun last Sunday getting Debian PPC on a PowerMac 7200/90. Very nice, if a little slow. Loadsa fun with the bootloader (miboot). However, now I'm running into trouble. In X, just how the *@$% do I right click? And if I want to run it headless, how do I turn it on??? Macs, still macs even without macos %-> Bill
I've got SuSE7.0 on my PowerBook, and use the F11 and F12 keys for left and middle mouse buttons. You do it with the kernel argument adb_buttons. It's adb_buttons=1,103,111 for those keys.
I've not used miboot, but with bootX you could put that in a text box in the bootX window. Now I'm using yaboot and I think it may have been automatic, but it lives in yaboot.conf, anyway. I guess miboot has something similar?
This may help you some more: http://lists.yellowdoglinux.com/yellowdog-general/may99/0149.html http://cloud13.com/ppc/mouse.html