On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 09:03:29 BST Mark Rogers wrote:
however it can mess around with radio ham enthusiasts and therefore isn't particularly liked amongst that group. As I'm not a radio expert I don't know how big a problem it really is (compared with all the other modern radio "noise") though.
I used it in a stone cottage in Llangollen where wifi struggled, but before we moved in here (Potton) I put Cat6 from office to smart TV and to the workshop out the back where my server will reside. There's a guy in the North Wales LUG who's a radio ham, he used to complain a lot about Ethernet over Power systems.
-- Phil Thane
www.pthane.co.uk phil@pthane.co.uk 01767 449759 07582 750607 Twitter @pthane